Informationen zum neuen USB-Port- und Geschwindigkeitstest in toolstar®testLX und toolstar®testWIN. To the article.
Informationen und Beispiele zur Integration von toolstar®-Software in verschiedene Ticketsysteme. To the article.
Information and instructions for the free service tool from toolhouse. To the article.
Information about the new feature in toolstar®test. To the article .
Informationen zum Löschen von NVMe SSDs mit toolstar®shredder. To the article.
All information about the new sanitization methods and the revised user interface. To the article.
Erweiterte Informationen und Erklärungen zur neuen RescueApp-Suite in HDClone 12 (X.3). To the article.
All information about the new deletion methods and the revised user interface. To the article.
General explanation, tutorial and information about toolstar®recoveryPRO and its functions. To the article.
Presentation of the new product toolstar®QuickCheckWIN and comparison toolstar®testWIN. To the article.
Information about the new service update 11.1 of HDClone toolstar® edition. To the article.
From January 1st, 2022, an extended warranty of 12 months applies, instead of the previous 6 months. To the article.
How can I use the PC & Tester information to achieve added value and optimize my processes? To the article.
What options does toolstar® test and toolstar® shredder offer for integration into your systems? To the article.
Short instructions for integrating your company logo into toolstar® protocols and certificates. Professional and promotionally effective. To the article.
How to properly erase SSDs and hybrid hard drives with toolstar®shredderLX. SecureErase standard and more. To the article.