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Request DVD image for toolstar®testLX and shredderLX

A DVD image for toolstar®testLX or toolstar®shredderLX is available in the customer portal Licinger. There you can specify under Account ⇒ Settings ⇒ Product Settings that you would like to generate a DVD image with your next product download. The generated DVD images contain everything you need to operate. Any uploaded documents are also automatically integrated there. After you have saved the setting, click on “Request package now by email” under Licenses ⇒ View licenses.

This setting for the DVD image is temporary and will be reset after each successful generation of a program version. This has to do with the fact that the download size increases significantly and also the time until the email with the version reaches you.

As soon as you receive the email from the customer portal with your version, you can click Download program package in the email. In this .zip file you will then find an .ISO image. This file can be burned to a DVD using Windows programs. This DVD is then immediately bootable. Of course, you can also use any other burning program you know.

If you have online licenses, you can start without a USB stick on a device with Internet. If you use stick licenses then After starting via DVD, you still have to connect the USB stick (dongle) to prove your license. You will then be in the main menu of toolstar®testLX or toolstar®shredderLX pointed out.

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