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Configure reports in automation

In the programs toolstar®testLX, toolstar®testWIN, toolstar ®shredderLX and toolstar®shredderWIN you have the opportunity to create your own automation scripts and adapt these entirely to your wishes. You can find more information about other settings in the reports area at Include your own links in PDF and HTML protocols, Include your own company logo in protocols and certificates and Save logs to MongoDB.

Overview of all reports

Here you will first find a list of all configured reports. The first report is always the screen log and all other logs are documents that are later available as a file on the stick in the /testlx directory.

The screen report

The screen report can be customized in the same way as the other physical reports (file reports). This allows you to specify how much information should be displayed on the monitor at the end of the test. By default, a very extensive report with a lot of details is configured here, but no system overview.

Target & format

You can set various options in the Target and Format settings. First, set the goal here. The choices are file (local and network), email, upload and database (NoSQL MongoDB database ).

Next you can set the file name. It is important to specify variables here so that you do not overwrite the documents yourself. You can use a whole list of different variables here, which you can find under the Special functions item at the back next to the input line. These include, for example, %S (serial number of the device), %P (name/model of the device) and much more.

In the Format area you specify the form in which the document should be saved. You can choose between text, HTML, PDF, XML and JSON. The XML and JSON formats are best suited for automated further processing in external systems. PDF and HTML support the integration of graphics into the documents such as Company logos and Signatures.

The following options are available to further customize the behavior:

  • Append to file (text only, HTML and XML)
    Other information from further tests will be appended to this log if a document with this name already exists and the document will not be overwritten.
  • Save report continuously, not just at the end
    Useful in every long-term test, so that you can find output on the stick in the /testlx directory despite crashes or freezes. Local storage is preferred here.
  • When to create
    When should the report be created? There is an additional modifier here: “If the report is saved continuously, delete it if this condition is not met at the end”. This will delete the large detailed reports if the Create When condition is not met.


Here you specify which content you want to insert into a document. The listing also reflects the position in the document. This means that the PC & tester information is always at the top and the document fingerprint is always at the bottom.

  • Information about PC & tester
  • System overview
    • Use global settings
  • Page break
  • Flow report
    • Page break after each group
  • Hierarchical protocol
    • Tested items only
    • Use global setting
  • Custom text
  • Comment entered at the end
  • Information about PC & tester
  • Signatures
    • Use global setting
  • Document fingerprint
    • With QR code
    • Big headline

Further information on Using global settings can be found below.

System overview: Single-sided / Standard

In this area you can dynamically configure your own system overviews. You have a selection of all possible information on the right and a selection of all selected information on the left. The position in the selection also reflects the position and can be changed using the arrow keys in the middle.

Level of detail for hierarchical log

Here you can specify how the hierarchical protocol behaves when the test error-free or erroneous. The settings can be defined for these components

  • Processor
  • Mainboard
  • Memory
  • Floppy/removable media
  • Hard disk
  • Graphics
  • Sound
  • Ports
  • Network
  • Input
  • Power
  • External applications

Custom text

In the custom text area you can use many different variables and conditions to vary the text based on the tests and results.

Conditional text

Use %?(condition?thentext) or %?(condition?thentext:elsetext) for conditional text: If the condition is true, is ThenText the result, otherwise ElseText (if specified); both can also be empty.

There is no full language parser behind Condition, for example there are no logical operations such as And or Or. You can use this functionality:

!ConditionCondition negate (the ! must be the first character)
#ConditionIgnore case sensitivity when comparing text (the # must be the first character after any ! before all the rest)
expr1=expr2compare expr1 with expr2 for equality*
expr1^=expr2expr1 must start with (or be the same as) expr2
expr1*=expr2expr1 must contain (or be equal to) expr2
expr1%=expr2expr1 must end with (or be the same as) expr2
expr1expr1 is not empty and not 0

expr1 and expr2 can be simple text or consist of the following functions. * If both expr1 and expr2 are valid integers, they are compared numerically, otherwise as text. If you need an explicit colon or bracket without a counterpart, write them as \:, \( and \), respectively.



%?(%(memory.gbnum)<7?nicht genug Speicher)

%?(%(memory.gbnum)<7?nicht genug Speicher:%?(%(memory.gbnum)<15?ganz okay:genug Speicher))


When it comes to the file names of automation reports, note that these functions (except %R, which gets special treatment) are evaluated when the file is created - for a continuously saved report (which is already used when the Scripts are created) so using a function that depends on a result is rather pointless.

Signature fields

Here you can define 1-3 signature fields. This can be particularly useful for documents that you print out. You can also store a global image with your signatures , which is then inserted. However, this setting is global and applies to all reports and must be set in the general settings.

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