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Network testing

The network tests are available to you in toolstar®testLX. With these you can test the local LAN and WLAN network cards, draw a loop over 2 network cards and also include the local infrastructure.

Rapid test

The quick test starts immediately without options and runs an internal throughput, integrity and ping test.

Internal throughput test

Here you have the following options:

  • Duration: Time
    Here you set how long the test should run in hours, minutes or seconds
  • Duration: Number of packets
    Here you can set a number of packets for internal transmission instead of a time
  • Package size
    Here you can select how large a package should be. 100, 500, 1000 or 1500 bytes. This attitude also applies to time.
  • Test variant
    Here you can select either test plug (not offered by toolhouse. A simple loop-back plug is expected) or internal loop.

Internal integrity test

Here you have the following options:

  • Duration: Time
    Here you set how long the test should run in hours, minutes or seconds
  • Duration: Number of packets
    Here you can set a number of packets for internal transmission instead of a time
  • Package size
    Here you can select how large a package should be. 100, 500, 1000 or 1500 bytes. This attitude also applies to time.
  • Test variant
    Here you can select either test plug (not offered by toolhouse. A simple loop-back plug is expected) or internal loop.

Reactivity (LX ping)

Here you have the following options:

  • Number of pings
    How many internal pings should be sent?
  • Packet size
    How large should the data packet of each ping be in bytes?
  • Pause between pings
    How many hours, minutes and seconds should you wait between each ping?

WiFi network scan

This test searches for nearby Wi-Fi networks. If at least one network is found (authentication is not necessary) the test is passed.

WiFi network presence test

Here you can specifically check whether a WLAN with a specific SSID is found. For example, your own company network. In addition, the minimum signal quality to be achieved can be set in percent.

Test over 2 LAN cards on the same system

You can also run all tests internally in the same device using 2 cards by connecting them using a suitable cable. The tests then run from card A to card B and vice versa and the classic tests for speed and integrity of the packets are checked.

Infrastructure testing on a system with 2 network cards

You can also connect two network cards but also run the cable through the local infrastructure. This allows you to not only check the device and its maps, but also the route of other devices on the way from map A to map B.

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