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Memory speed test

General usage

The memory speed test since version 6.04 in toolstar®testLX and toolstar®testWIN included and tests the access speed of the CPU via the Mainboard to the RAM in the system. The access speed of the CPU, FPU, MMX, SSE and AVX unit is measured. A maximum value is formed from the measured reading and writing values ​​and this is used as the basis for determining the speed compared to the installed type (DDR-3, 4, etc.).

This measurement allows you to determine whether the memory in this system meets the requirements of your customers or series of devices and whether the memory meets its specification such as DDR-5.

The settings

You have various setting options to adapt the test to your needs and systems:

  • Automatic speed reference measurement (activated by default)
    Speed ​​source:
    Under this point you set the source of the reference. By default, the values ​​of the memory are taken from the SPD-EEPROM and if not available from the SMBios/DMI read.
    Required percentage value:
    What minimum percentage of the maximum determined speed (see speed source) must be achieved? By default, 70% is entered here.
  • Use specified speed
    The speed you specified will be used as the minimum value in MB/s if no speed could be determined via the SPD-EEPROM or SMBios/DMI information. Here you can, for example, set a value below which you would clearly declare the speed to be too low.

Process of the memory speed test

In total, all speeds are tested and recorded 25 times. During the test you will also receive the following information on the information screen:

  • Largest cache size
    The largest available cache size in the system. The block size will always be larger than the cache size so that the values ​​are not loaded from the cache and are therefore corrupted.
  • Memory Test Block Size
    The block size used by the Memory Speed ​​Test to measure data transfer
  • Source for reference speed
    From which source (SPD-EEPRM or SMBios/DMI) was the reference speed determined?
  • Reference speed
    The determined reference speed in MB/s
  • Required speed
    The minimum speed to be achieved in MB/s. If the measured speed is below this value, an error is output.

The output of the results after the test

After the test, a table is output with all measured values ​​and, in addition, the information from the source for reference speed, reference speed, required speed and the Overall result.

As always, you can save this result in the various formats using F2 in the individual test.

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