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Difference: Update the version and update the version including the Linux kernel

For the programs toolstar®testLX and toolstar®shredderLX there are two types of updates. This is a version update or a version update including a kernel update (operating system update). You can receive both types of updates via the customer portal. You will always receive an email with all files for both types of updates.

Version update

A version update only updates the files of toolstar®testLX or toolstar®shredderLX on the USB stick and does not make any adjustments to the operating system. Most updates are pure version updates.

Version update including kernel update (operating system update)

A version update including kernel update (operating system update) updates the files of toolstar®testLX or toolstar®shredderLX and the operating system files on the USB -Stick. Version updates including kernel updates (operating system updates) appear approximately 3-4 times per year.

Check which update I need

In all emails you receive from our customer portal you will find a line with the current version of the kernel. This is roughly LX_Kernel_2023-4. You can match this lettering with the file on your USB stick (in the root directory). If the version on your USB stick is lower than the one in the email, you should perform a kernel update (operating system update). The first number stands for the year (2023) and the second number (4) for the version of the kernel this year.
As a rule, 4 kernel updates are released per year.

Do new program versions work on old kernels?

In principle, new versions also work on older kernel versions. From time to time, completely new functions are built into the program that require new libraries. These are not present in old kernel versions and it is no longer possible to start the software. From this point on, a kernel update is absolutely necessary.

Disadvantages of an old version

  • Crashes that have already been fixed may occur
  • BugFixes are not included in your version
  • Possible new certifications do not apply to your version
  • New tests are not available
  • Limited opportunity for support
  • Audit security of the documents (protocols and certificates) is lost
  • New hardware components are not fully displayed/recognized

Disadvantages of an old kernel

  • May detect fewer hardware components
  • Startup problems on newer devices
  • Missing libraries lead to functional restrictions in the program
  • SecureErase may not run properly on newer devices
  • Not all hard drives are recognized
  • No 100% availability of the system's performance
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