Founded in Munich as Leinzinger Computer
Die Unternehmensgeschichte von toolhouse beginnt in München, in einem kleinen Büro in der Genzstraße. Unten im Keller mit nur einem kleinen Fenster nach draußen, beginnt eine Idee, die langsam Fahrt aufnimmt.
Ludwig Leinzinger, founder of Leinzinger Computer, starts his own business in October 1994. A sales company in Munich. At this point in time there is no self-developed software.
Sales has always been a thing for Ludwig Leinzinger!
Volker Denkhaus joins the company at the same time as it is founded and provides support in the areas of technology and sales. Volker Denkhaus later becomes a partner in the company.
Sales for the American manufacturer AllMicro in Germany
In 1995, sales of AllMicro products from the USA began. The Troubleshooter is the first test software distributed by AllMicro Germany (later toolhouse) in its home market.
From this day on, the troubleshooter makes life really difficult for checkit, Norton Utilities and AMI-Diag.
AllMicro's Troubleshooter was self-booting software for MS DOS, Novell, OS/2, UNIX, XENIX, PICK, PC MOS and others. The tool could be used to diagnose the cause of system crashes, read system information, test floppy drives, and much more.
Data recovery from AllMicro, distributed by AllMicro Germany (later toolhouse).
Discovery Card from AllMicro, distributed by AllMicro Germany (later toolhouse). A plug-in card for the PCI bus for diagnosing hardware errors during operation and booting.
Sales of the Eurosoft product suite
The PC-Check software becomes technician's favorite.
Move into office space in Schweitenkirchen
The company moves into new office space in the town of Schweitenkirchen, right near Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm. You may be familiar with the nearby large rest area with several haulage companies on the A9 towards Munich from your holiday trips.
Umwandlung der Firma in toolhouse DV-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
From now on, toolhouse develops itself. The toolstar® product family is born and, appropriately, the birth will take place on the Systems in Munich celebrated.
toolstar®testOS is the first in-house development from toolhouse DV-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG. With its own operating system and test routines for all important hardware components, its own software replaces previously purchased products from other manufacturers and takes software-supported hardware error diagnosis to a new level.
The Systems was an information and telecommunications trade fair and took place annually in Munich. In the years from 1995 to 2008.
Move to new office space and establishment of toolstar®testOS
toolhouse moves from Schweitenkirchen to the neighboring town of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm. toolstar®testOS will be the star among the test products and can also assert itself internationally.
The town of Pfaffenhofen is located in the hop country Hallertau, in the triangle between Munich, Ingolstadt and Augsburg. The new office space is located directly in the city center. The city of Pfaffenhofen was awarded the LivCom Award in 2011 and is considered the world's most livable city with between 20,000 and 70,000 inhabitants thanks to the award supported by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
The brother of toolstar®testOS is born: toolstar®WIN
The new product toolstar®WIN (also an in-house development) comes onto the market. The first test software for Windows from toolhouse.
The toolstar®WIN product reads out all important system information in the area of hardware and software. As always with toolhouse, it can also be documented as a saved output. Hardware test routines for Windows are not yet implemented in this product. The hardware tests will later be implemented in addition to the system information in toolstar®testWIN.
Marketing and toolhouse's image will be changed.
The CeBIT in Hanover
toolhouse has its first own place at the exhibition at the CeBIT in Hanover.
The CeBIT in Hanover was a highlight for toolhouse for years! The trade fair was one of the great opportunities to introduce our products to new customers, make contacts and meet our customers in person. A lively exchange with our customers has always been one of toolhouse's mainstays and always will be.
The successor to toolstar®testOS appears: toolstar®testLX
The new software offers improved support for new and old hardware and many other special hardware components. The test software with Linux power. The toolstar®WIN product becomes toolstar®testWIN.
The toolstar®WIN software is converted to toolstar®testWIN and Hardware test routines expanded. From now on, the hardware can also be tested directly while Windows is running. The test routines are self-developed and can test all important hardware components of devices with Windows installed. No matter whether PC, iPC, notebook, tablet, server or embedded systems.
Die neue Testssoftware toolstar®testLX hat als Unterbau Linux Debian. Damit werden moderne Hardwarekomponenten erkannt und für die Testroutinen zugreifbar gemacht. Auch das moderne Booten über das UEFI ist möglich. Viele Probleme, wie die Limitierung von Festplattenzugriffen nur über BIOS Routinen verschwinden.
toolstar®shredderLX is born and Sandro Leinzinger, son of the founder Ludwig Leinzinger, comes to toolhouse
The first release of the toolstar®shredderLX appears. Either as a standalone solution or integrated into toolstar®testLX for perfect automation . At the same time, Sandro Leinzinger joins the company.
The first version of the toolstar®shredderLX appears shortly after toolstar®testLX. The new erase software runs on Linux and offers improved support for RAID controllers, storage systems, RDX drives and much more.
Sandro Leinzinger, son of the founder Ludwig Leinzinger, comes to toolhouse after completing his vocational training as an IT systems clerk.
My dream car is a Ford Mustang and a must is a trip to the USA. Ideally a round trip... but only with a very specific car.
toolhouse enters into a sales cooperation with PCVisit. From now on the professional remote maintenance from PCVisit available directly from toolhouse. Our customers also receive high-quality toolhouse support for this product. We would like to remain your contact in all areas and offer even better tools.
From now on toolhouse is ISO 9001 certified
The international standard ISO 9001:2015 describes requirements for quality management systems within companies.
The international standard ISO 9001:2015 describes requirements for quality management systems. Companies around the world use the ISO 9001 standard as a tool to manage their company and improve their performance. The ISO 9001 standard has therefore been established as a crucial “steering instrument” in a wide variety of organizations for many years. The ISO 9001 standard is most widespread in industrial companies. However, it has also been used increasingly in many other industries for years to increase the company's performance or to demonstrate to customers a practice of quality management through certification by an independent certification body. Scope: Development, sales and support of products for troubleshooting, data recovery, data erasure and copying of systems such as servers, PCs, notebooks and industrial PCs/controllers.
Start of the complete revision of toolstar®testLX, toolstar®testWIN, toolstar®shredderLX and toolstar®shredderWIN
The programs toolstar®testLX, toolstar®testWIN, toolstar®shredderLX and toolstar®shredderWIN will be completely revised. A completely updated operating system, a new user interface and many new functions find their way into the programs.
Completely updated operating system including conversion from Debian to Ubuntu, quick start page for easy operation, OpenCL GPU tests, OpenGL 3D graphics tests, webcam tests, revised endurance test display and configuration, individual tests can be run and displayed simultaneously in the endurance test, revised hardware monitoring and much more.
toolstar®shredderLX is now ADISA certified
The software toolstar®shredderLX is now approved by the independent certification body ADISA certified.
From now on the toolstar®shredderLX from ADISA certified. The CLAIM test confirms the complete erasure of all data from HDDs and SSDs. The certificate is available for download here .
Licinger goes online
The self-developed customer portal also makes it possible to have your own USB stick as offline licenses and to deliver updates dramatically simplified.
The customer portal enables toolhouse to deliver products quickly and easily and customers have a central platform for the licenses purchased from toolhouse. Anyone can now have documents inserted into the products independently, request ISO images and register and use their own USB sticks as offline licenses.
toolstar®QuickCheckWIN - Test quickly and cost-effectively
A new product comes onto the market. The alternative to the larger and more extensive product toolstar®testWIN.
A product for cost-optimized testing of PCs, servers, notebooks, tablets and all devices that run Windows. Prefabricated endurance tests and fewer settings focus on quickly testing devices without much effort in configuring the program.
toolstar®QuickCheckLX - The counterpart to toolstar®QuickCheckWIN
A new product comes onto the market. The alternative to the larger and more extensive product toolstar®testLX.
A product for cost-optimized self-booting testing of PCs, servers, notebooks, tablets and all devices. Prefabricated endurance tests and fewer settings focus on quickly testing devices without much effort in configuring the program. Thanks to its own operating system, the software runs on almost all devices.
toolstar®bootCAST - PXE-Server mit SecureBoot Unterstützung
Das neuste Produkt in der toolstar®-Produktfamilie ermöglicht die einfache und flexible Einrichtung eines PXE-Boot Systems für alle toolstar®- und Fremdprodukte.
Klassische DOS-ISOs können gebootet werden um Systemsoftware auszuführen. Die Funktion wird gerne für das Aktualisieren von Firmware genutzt.
Alle Windows-ISOs und WIMs können direkt gebootet werden. Mit unserem kostenlosen WindowsPE-Builder können Sie ganz leicht angepasste ISOs erstellen und mit bootCAST verwenden.
Generische Linux-ISOs im BIOS-Boot und toolstar®-Linux-Images auch unter EFI und EFI mit SecureBoot.
Die Software unterstützt automatisch BIOS- und EFI-Systeme und zeigt auf allen Geräten ein universelles Bootmenü an.
Der Bootloader wurde offiziell signiert und kann somit auf allen Geräten mit SecureBoot gestartet werden ohne vorher Einstellungen in der Firmware des Geräts ändern zu müssen.