toolstar®test - Perfect fit for business PC manufacturers

Retrieve and save all system information

All system information such as CPU, GPU, memory, hard drives, motherboard, connections, PCI bus and much more can be accessed fully automatically and in various forms (PDF, HTML, TXT, JSON and XML) be saved. By saving as JSON or XML you have the opportunity to enter everything directly into your own existing database.

Fully test all hardware

After you have created the automation scripts you can easily start them in the program. Afterwards all the options and tests you have set run automaticallyand at the end they give you the logs you created on the stick or the other available destinations (FTP, network, email or database). You can also easily use one of our pre-built scripts and get started right away.


Integrate everything into your own systems and processes

After you have created the automation scripts you can easily start them in the program. Afterwards all the options and tests you have set run automaticallyand at the end they give you the logs you created on the stick or the other available destinations (FTP, network, email or database). You can also easily use one of our pre-built scripts and get started right away.

Stress tests ensure stable systems in productive use


toolstar® test offers one of the most comprehensive and holistic solutions for diagnosing and evaluating hardware devices. Test manually or fully automatically and documented. With load tests for each component, ensure that the systems are only delivered if they meet your and your customers' requirements in the areas of cooling, load and stability.

  • CPU
    Cores, computations, caches, high load
  • Mainboard
    BIOS information, PCI bus, BUS scan and hardware monitoring
  • Live-Hardware-Monitoring
    Track the condition live and record all values ​​over the entire test time
  • Main memory
    7 different stress tests find any fault in the memory module
  • Interfaces
    USB, Netzwerk, WLAN
  • Graphics cards
    Stress test and memory tests
  • Drives
    No matter whether NVMe, ATA, SCSI or USB or CD-ROM. Find all the errors with the reading tests, SMART tests, writing tests and many more
  • Interactive
    Tests for monitors, keyboards, speakers, touchscreens and webcams

Our recommendation for business PC manufacturers

Our focus for business PC manufacturers is clearly on toolstar®testLX. With toolstar®testLX you can test all self-booting devices without an installed operating system on the installed hardware components.

By running it under Linux you test the device without an installed operating system and a 100% focus on the hardware. toolhouse's specially adapted and self-created Linux kernel places a special focus on compatibility and stability over a long period of time with extended hardware detection for current and old systems. Perfect for industry!

Through the hardware tests under Linux you use the Linux kernel specially adapted by toolhouse for broad hardware support and stability in conjunction with toolstar®testLX. Automatically document all installed devices and their functionality and provide your customers with a complete report. This creates trust and enables an automatic reversal of the burden of proof in the event of a complaint.

Fewer RMAs through testing - more trust through protocols

Reduce RMAs through after-build testing

With the different tests in toolstar®testLX test all installed devices such as CPU, GPU, memory, hard drives, USB, network and much more reliably and automatically. You define once which device or device type should be tested and how and run this configuration over and over again. This means you get the same, usable output and always the same documents for logging. This ensures that the devices only leave production in perfect condition.

Protocols ensure customer trust

Thanks to the generated protocols in different editions and formats, you can always prove to your customers that the device was tested and worked perfectly when delivered. This creates trust among your customers and simplifies the discussions in the RMA.

Experience since 1994
toolhouse has been selling test and erasure software since 1994. The programs and services continue to evolve year after year.
Company history
Free of charge support
When you order one of our software products, you will receive personal support directly from the manufacturer by phone and email.
Questions & Answers
Personal contact person
You have a personal contact person with a name and a fixed telephone number for all commercial and technical questions.
Contact form
Customer groups
toolstar® software is used worldwide by large industrial customers as well as locally by smaller IT specialists and specialist retailers.
Customer voices
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Complete automation of all processes through automation scripts


Create automation scripts

In the program itself you will find an easy-to-use automation script builder with which you can easily create and modify scripts. Determine which hardware tests should run, how long and at what intensity. Create your own protocols in different formats and with different content. Create custom fields for customer number or ticket number and much more.

. . . and execute

After you have created the automation scripts you can easily start them in the program. Afterwards all the options and tests you have set run automaticallyand at the end they give you the logs you created on the stick or the other available destinations (FTP, network, email or database). You can also easily use one of our pre-built scripts and get started right away.

Detailed recording of all system information and diagnostic processes

Document system information and test procedures

All system information such as CPU, mainboard, GPU, memory and much more can either be saved manually or documented automatically in conjunction with an automation script. In addition, the individual test results can also be saved or summarized in the automation.

Define different formats and output targets

All documents can be saved in various formats such as PDF, TXT, HTML, XML or JSON. The last two are specifically intended for automatic processing in other IT systems. All documents can be saved locally in your selected form, sent via e-mail, uploaded to a (S)FTP server, in a Insert the MongoDB database or simply save it to the network.


Do you have any questions?

The toolhouse team will be happy to answer any questions you have about our products.
Open contact form

Customer service: Differentiate between software and hardware errors


Determine the cause of the error more quickly

By carrying out targeted hardware tests on all important components of a PC system, you can quickly determine whether the error is caused by the hardware or software. This effective error detection saves you time and avoids lengthy trial-and-errors under Windows or when replacing components.

. . . and work more efficiently

By being able to standardize and automate all processes, you relieve your employees of RMA processing, increase the throughput of devices per day, and minimize incorrect diagnoses > and can document all processes on the hardware and explain them to the customer in detail in the event of an error.

The differences between toolstar®testLX and toolstar®testWIN

The toolstar®testLX program is self-booting by default, but can also be started within an installed Linux. toolstar®testWIN is used by default started with an installed Windows, but can also be self-booted via WindowsPE be executed. Self-booting execution has the advantage of a clear view of the hardware without any user programs that use resources and thus distort the results. However, running it under Windows has the advantage that you may also find errors that only occur in connection with Windows and the user programs. However, the use of hardware resources is limited under Windows because the operating system naturally also requires some main memory and CPU performance.

toolstar®testLX works completely independently of the installed one Operating system and can be started self-booting on PCs, tablets, servers, IPCs and much more. You don't even need to have a hard drive installed to start the program. This differentiation means that test results can be clearly assigned to the hardware and errors can be identified quickly. If you use toolstar®testLX a CPU - or memory errors are displayed, then you can be sure that the hardware components or the path to the components (bus, controller, mainboard) are defective. An error in the operating system or the installed software can therefore be ruled out.

With toolstar®testWIN you get a test program that can include not only the hardware but also the software in the tests and evaluations. This includes the automated evaluation of the Windows event log for warnings and errors, the reading of license keys and software serial numbers, and the quick and clear display of all services, updates and processes under Windows. In the area of GPU testing, you have the advantage within the installed Windows that the manufacturer's special drivers for the graphics card are already installed and so all functions can be addressed and maximum utilization can be achieved.

We will advise you personally! Just write to us.

Sandro Leinzinger

Head of Engineering

I would be happy to support you with any technical questions about our products and also integration into your existing IT.

Sandro Leinzinger, Head of Engineering​

John Höpfler

Sales Representative

I would be happy to support you with any commercial questions you may have about our products and services.

John Höpfler, Sales Representative​

Or arrange your individual appointment for a product presentation