The hardware test program toolstar®testLX offers many different options for graphics cards from different manufacturers test. toolstar®testLX works with Linux as the operating system and therefore there are a few tips to keep in mind to get the best results. Tests that are available are: graphics test images in various versions for resolution and color gradients, drawing ellipses, graphics memory test via Vulkan or OpenCL, visible graphics memory test, 3D graphics benchmark, OpenCL computing stress test and OpenCL computing benchmark.
Support for Intel graphics cards
Basically, all old and new graphics cards are from Intel supported. This refers to the graphics units integrated in the CPU. Linux offers full support for almost all Intel graphics cards. This support is already built into the kernel itself. No additional drivers are required.
Support for OpenCL is only available to a limited extent. However, graphics memory tests and 3D graphics tests should run without problems.
Support for AMD graphics cards
Basically, all old and new graphics cards from AMD are supported. Linux offers full support for almost all AMD graphics cards. This support is already built into the kernel itself. No additional drivers are required. AMD provides the Linux community with extensive documentation for its graphics cards to ensure continued support.
An exception are the completely new CPUs from AMD, which have an integrated graphics card. Starting and using toolstar®testLX should not be a problem. However, there could be problems when testing the graphics memory.
Support for OpenCL is available on older cards. However, graphics memory tests and OpenGL 3D graphics tests should run without problems on all cards can. Here too, the new CPUs with integrated graphics units are an exception. Support for Ryzen processors with integrated GPU is expanded and expanded in every update. Until all models are fully supported, you may notice rendering errors in the program's tests and interface.
Support for Matrox graphics cards
Matrox Graphics cards are mostly found in servers and are used to display the 2D surface of the operating system. Support for OpenCL is only partially available or not available at all. However, graphics memory tests and 3D graphics tests should run on all cards without any problems can.
Different versions of graphics cards offer more or less support for 3D applications. The selected tests should be adapted to the performance of the graphics card.
Support for Nvidia graphics cards
Die neusten 750 Nvidia Grafikkarten werden vollumfänglich im Bereich Hardwareinformationen, Speichertests, Stresstests und Hardwaremonitoring unterstützt. Zusätzlich dazu wurden Herstellertools direkt in das eigene Betriebssystem mit aufgenommen, damit eine Rekonfiguration von GPUs direkt aus dem Live-System von toolstar®testLX möglich ist.
OpenCL graphics tests
OpenCL stands for Open Computing Language and provides functions for calculations on the GPU to execute and reduce the load on the CPU. There are also computing operations that GPUs are better designed for. The functions of OpenCL are manufacturer and platform independent. However, the installed manufacturer driver must support these functions and be OpenCL compatible.
Vulkan graphics tests
Vulkan is an alternative that sits somewhere between OpenGL and OpenCL. Basically, Vulkan is a graphics API with significantly better compute support than OpenGL. With the new Vulkan GPU memory tests you can use this implementation instead of the OpenCL implementation and be more compatible especially on modern devices. Basically the same rules apply as with OpenCL. Supported hardware and a suitable driver must be available.
OpenGL graphics tests
OpenGL stands for Open Graphics Library and provides functions for 2D and 3D elements to draw on the screen. The functions of OpenGL are manufacturer and platform independent. However, the installed manufacturer driver must support these functions and be OpenGL compatible. It is many times more likely that drivers for graphics cards support OpenGL than OpenCL.
OpenGL is used in toolstar®testLX for the 3D graphics benchmark and generally for drawing the program's graphical interface.
Solution to start-up difficulties
If you have trouble starting with toolstar®testLX or only get a bad display or no display at all after starting, you can do the following:
- In the boot menu (GRUB) there are special kernels for graphics problems or startup problems. Selecting these kernels in the extended boot options menu helps in most cases.
- Depending on the system, you can either choose the Nvidia entry for modern cards or the Nouveau entry for older cards in the extended boot options.
- After starting the kernel, you will receive a selection of 3 graphics modes shortly before starting the main toolstar®testLX program. In most cases it helps if you choose number 2 (X11 server). All you need to do is press key “2” on your keyboard. Please note that there is no 3D graphics benchmark available on the X11 server. If you need this test, you may need to select option 1. Here you will get a worse resolution but all tests are available.
- Start toolstar®testLX with the option UseOpenCL=0 to deactivate OpenCL at this start. To do this, simply enter the following on the console: ./testlx UseOpenCL=0 and confirm with Enter.
toolstar®testWIN for graphics card tests
The program toolstar®testWIN offers some advantages over toolstar®testLX in the area of graphics card testing. These include the following points:
- You test with the manufacturer's drivers and can maximize performance
- All graphics cards are supported under Windows without restrictions
- OpenCL graphics card tests are almost always available
- Vulkan Grafikkartentests stehen so gut wie immer zur Verfügung
- OpenGL graphics card tests are always available and enable high-performance 3D graphics tests
- Mapping problems when addressing graphics memory should not occur