The first option of the results report shows a hierarchical display of the test results (the level of detail can be changed using the buttons indicated in the status line below). The second option is only available if a burn-in test has already been carried out and displays its log again.

Note: If an error occurs since starting toolstar®testLX or toolstar®testWIN (or the last reset of the results) was reported , these windows have red frames (even if the last endurance test did not find any errors). You can reset (clear) all results in the hierarchical summary using the last menu option.


Results summary

The results summary provides you with a hierarchical overview of all possible, skipped and performed tests. The columns provide information about the amount of test runs performed, the total duration, and how many errors occurred in each component and subtest.

Results of the last automation script

Here you will see the log of the last automation script displayed again on the monitor. Viewing here also allows you to manually re-save the report in the various TXT, HTML, PDF, XML and JSON formats.

Selective level of detail settings

Here you can set the level of detail for the hierarchical summary. You can specify different levels for normal (pass or fail) and for failure. You can choose from low, medium and high. Our recommendation is the level of detail low for pass and high for failure.

Show tested components only

This switch can either be activated or deactivated. When the switch is active, only tested elements are displayed in the overview and all others are hidden. If the switch is deactivated, all possible tests are displayed and any tests that have not yet been carried out will say “not performed”. This option is saved in the .ini file and is permanent.

Delete previous test results

This allows all previous test results from the results report that were created in this program run to be deleted. The results will also be deleted if you restart the program.

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