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Start HDClone toolstar® edition via bootCAST

You can find the first part of the instructions in the entry General setup of toolstar®bootcast PXE environment.

Option 1: Specifying the .EXE files

If you would like to specify the individual .exe files, you must first download a .ZIP package from HDClone. You can obtain this on the website by entering your license key (XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX). Then select .zip package from the options and wait for the download. After downloading, please unpack the package into the \hdclone\files\ directory relative to the root directory with the bootcast files. For example, if you unpacked bootcast to the C:\bootcast directory, then you need to unpack the HDClone files to the C:\bootcast\hdclone\files directory.

The entry responsible for this in the file is the following:

   caption = "start HDClone files"
   "tftp:*" = "sat:.\hdclone\files\hdclone64.exe"
   "tftp:\Symobi\Boot\x86\*" = "sat:.\hdclone\files\hdclone.exe"
   "tftp:\Symobi\Boot\x64\*" = "sat:.\hdclone\files\hdclone64.exe"
   "tftp:\Symobi\Host\Linux\*" = "dir:.\hdclone\files\Linux"

Option 2: Using local installation

Sollten Sie HDClone an Ihrem Gerät installiert haben (Version neuer als 10.1.0) können Sie einfach den Punkt „Start HDClone aus Installation“ im Bootmenü auswählen. Dieses System ist bereits fertig in der sample file .

The entry responsible for this in the file is the following:

   caption = "Start HDClone from installation"
   "tftp:*" = "sym:install:HDC"       # requires HDClone 10.1.0 or newer
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