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My virus scanner reports toolstar®testWIN or shredderWIN as a threat

Due to the tasks that toolstar®testWIN and toolstar®shredderWIN, it may happen that the two programs are virus scanners be blocked. We are constantly working to adapt our programs so that these incorrect messages do not occur and inform manufacturers of these programs about incorrect messages. If you still receive such a message, we would be very grateful for your help in solving the problem.

Report a bad threat

You can report the incorrect message directly to your virus scanner or send us a message with the details of the report. Please note at least the following information in the text box below:

  • Type of threat reported by the scanner
  • Message source file reported by the scanner (testmain64.exe, …)
  • Manufacturer and version of the program you are using
  • Version of toolstar®testWIN or toolstar®shredderWIN
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