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How to help us, to help you

Please describe as precisely as possible which error occurs where and with which symptoms so that we can reproduce it as best as possible and then fix it. Please create a separate ticket or email for each topic. This prevents irritation and leads to faster answers.

The following information (among others) will help us. Please add anything else you think would be helpful.

Always necerssary

  • Which version of the toolstar® software is used?
  • How did you boot (USB, DVD, PXE, ...)?
  • BIOS/EFI/EFI SecureBoot? (A message is displayed at the top left of the boot menu for UEFI and SecureBoot)
  • Notebook/Server/PC/(Mac)?
  • Does the problem only occur on a single device, on identical/similar devices or on completely different devices?
  • Is the behavior clearly reproducible? If yes how?
  • Does it hang before or after the kernel menu?

toolstar® does not “start”:
(It is important to determine whether “does not start” is due to Linux, Wayland, Windows or toolstar®)

  • Please screenshot if it hangs.
  • If it hangs after the kernel menu: which kernel was started?
  • Please test all kernels, including the advanced options + screenshots, if different results occur.
  • If possible, test legacy/BIOS and EFI without SecureBoot.
  • System information about the device.
  • If an earlier version launched, please provide a “System Overview for Support Purposes”.
  • Linux status messages: Observe kernel messages during booting and as soon as Linux hangs, take a photo of the last messages (the progress bar can be removed with “ESC”).

toolstar® starts, but crashes in the endurance test, freezes or shows other problems:

  • System overview for support purposes.
  • testlx.ini/testwin.ini, *.ttsx file used.
  • All logs created. (The default sample scripts create 2 permanently saved *.txt files that show what happened up until the crash.)
  • Screenshot if the problem occurs or the device freezes or similar.
  • Crash reports, if available (testlx folder crashreport-*.txt or in the tmp directory under Windows).
  • If it is known/identifiable which test/component the problem occurs with, please carry out the same test manually (not in the long-term test).
  • If it is known/identifiable which test/component the problem occurs with, please carry out the same endurance test without this test.

If the crash is reproducible, please create a log file as follows:

  1. Start toolstar® software.
  2. Activate debug mode with Shift+Alt+D (press 9 times).
  3. Reproduce crash, after crash continue with 4.
  4. On the blue screen press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.
  5. Save the log file on the stick with the command cp /tmp/tslog.txt /testlx/tslog.txt or simply copy it under Windows.

Create a log file if toolstar®testLX does not reach the main menu at all:

  1. Boot and as soon as toolstar® appears, exit immediately with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.
  2. Start toolstar®testLX with ./testlx Debug=9.
  3. Let toolstar®testLX start and wait until it hangs, then wait a few seconds.
  4. Exit again with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.
  5. Save the log file on the stick with the command cp /tmp/tslog.txt /testlx/tslog.txt.
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