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Determination of modules with memory errors

In the memory tests in toolstar®testLX and toolstar®testWIN you will automatically receive an output in the form of ERROR in test X at 0x0000000XXXXXXXX = 5628 MB: 0x0000XXXX (0x0F3697D4 statt 0x0F3697D6). On the one hand, the result lists which test the error occurred in (1-7, further information can be found here), how many MB the error occurred, as well as the address in HEX format and at the end in brackets, which result was expected and which result was determined (0x0F3697D4 compared to 0x0F3697D6).

Determination of the faulty latch on the mainboard

With the help of the SPD-EEPROM Information can be found in which module slots on the mainboard bars are installed and which address areas are located on them. By converting the KB numbers into MB numbers and comparing them with the position of the error (5628 MB in this example), you can then determine which bar the error is on.

Unfortunately, there is no generally applicable standard for how the slots on the motherboard are counted. However, there is often a number printed directly on the mainboard next to the slots and you can tell which slot has which number.

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