Define custom selection lists in the PC and tester information

In the PC and tester Info Selection lists can be defined, which are then available to the respective operator via a button. This allows internal processes to be defined and standardized using the predefined selections. When starting a long-term test, the operator simply has to check the points that apply in this case. By combining them with mandatory fields, uniform documents can be created.

Information for version >= 5.73

  1. Start the program as usually
  2. Open Settings on the quick start page
  3. Click on all options
  4. On the left side you will find the item “Selection for comments” under “Information about PC & testers”.

Within this menu you can store entries as text for the 20 comment fields. Selection points and headings can be defined. Selection points are simply defined as text. Subheadings can be defined with ***. For example *** Heading ***. An example:

You want to achieve the following:

*** Heading 1 ***
Selection 1
Selection 2
*** Heading 2 ***
Selection 3

To do this, use the following text in one of the comment fields within the selection settings:
*** Heading 1 ***,Selection 1,Selection 2,***Heading 2 ***,Selection 3

Information for version < 5.73

Define selection lists

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no graphical interface within toolstar®test and toolstar®shredder. Therefore, the selection lists currently have to be defined manually using the .ini files of the respective programs. However, the .ini files are compatible with each other, making it easy to copy and paste the settings.

  1. Open the testwin.ini or testlx.ini file with a text editor (For example: Notepad++, etc.).
  2. Look for the item [TestInfo]. If the point is not available, please create it.
  3. Add the labels for the comment fields and the selection lists.
    For the first comment field: Comment1=YOUR LABEL
    For the first selection list: Comment1Choice=Selection1,Selection2,Selection3
    You can Set comments and selection lists for fields 1-20.
  4. If necessary, add the ChoiceOutSep= point to determine the separator (see below).
  5. Save the .ini file (testlx.ini or testwin.ini).
  6. Start the program and carry out a long-term test. You should see the selection buttons on the right. In the example of point 3, this would just be a button behind comment field 1 with 3 selection options.

Example configuration

Below you can see an .ini file configuration as an example. You are welcome to copy and adapt the text. The important part begins from the point [TestInfo] and there from the sub-point Caption1. The part above may look different for you and affects other settings in the program. The checklists and labels part has been highlighted below.

FtpRetries =3
LogoAlign= 2

Caption3=Cost center:
Comment1Choice=Dirty outside, dirty inside, fan closed, interior cleaning done
Comment2Choice=Housing, screws missing
Comment3Choice=Service, maintenance contract, INTERNAL

As soon as you have made the settings as above, you will see the PC and tester information after starting a long-term test as follows: (Note the 3 "Select" buttons on the right side of the page behind the comment values.)

You now have the option of opening individual selection lists by clicking on the “Select” button at the back. A new window will then open and display a checkbox for selection per entry in the .ini file:

After you have made the selection, you can accept and enter the selection using the “OK” button in the selection dialog:

By default, the selection is separated by the separator “;”. The .ini option ChoiceOutSep= allows you to specify any character such as “/” or “,”. This can help process the output automatically. The entry ChoiceOutSep= is also placed under the point [TestInfo]. For example:

Caption3=Cost center:
Comment1Choice=Dirty outside, dirty inside, fan closed, interior cleaning carried out
Comment2Choice=Housing, screws missing
Comment3Choice =Service,Maintenance Contract,INTERNAL

In the news article Use information about PC & tester information effectively​ you can find out more ways to use PC and tester information. All information in the news article can be easily combined with the selection lists.

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